This series deals with subjects that already have a relationship. Insects and flowers have a long history of coevolution and interconnection. Each painting explores relationships based on symbiosis, shared habitat, and body structure, as well as literature and mythology.

Moth x Iris x Columbine
Leucoma salicis X Aquilegia vulgaris X Iris ensata
12 x 16 inches
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.

Cicada x Catalpa
Magicicada tredecassini X Catalpa bignonoides
14 x 20 inches
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.

Lacewing X Maple
Chrysoperla carnea X Acer circinatum
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches

Beetle x Rambutan
Chalcosoma atlas X Nephelium lappaceum
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches

Locust x Locust
Chortoicetes terminifera X Robinia pseudoacacia
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches

Mantis x Orchid
Hymenopus coronatus X Phalaenopsis spp.
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches
Available at Avenue 12 Gallery

Brimstone x Thistle
Gonepteryx rhamni x Silybum marianum
2018, Ink and watercolor on paper.
12 x 16 inches
$860 (framed)

Gadfly x Lotus
Tabanus bovinus x Nelumbo nucifera
2019, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches
$1010 (framed)

Wasp x Plum
Vespula vulgaris x Prunus spinata
2019, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches
$1060.00 (framed)

Flytrap x Firefly
Photinus pyralis X Dionaea muscipula
2019, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches
$1010 (framed)

Dragonfly x Water Lily x Anthurium
Brachytron pratense x Anthurium warocqueanum x Nymphaea elegans
2019, Ink and watercolor on paper.
14 x 20 inches